Create a Sparkling Home with This DIY Homemade Window Cleaner Recipe

window cleaning | marselmansuro

Are you tired of streaks and smudges on your windows that just won’t seem to go away no matter how much you clean? Look no further! With this DIY homemade window cleaner recipe, your windows will be sparkling in no time. Say goodbye to expensive store-bought cleaners filled with harmful chemicals and hello to a safer and more eco-friendly solution that you can make right at home.

This recipe combines the power of vinegar and water with a few simple ingredients to create a cleaning solution that is effective and budget-friendly. Not only will it leave your windows spotless, but it will also remove dirt, grime, and even stubborn fingerprints. Plus, you won’t have to worry about any toxic fumes lingering in your home.

Whether you have a single window or an entire house to clean, this homemade window cleaner is a game-changer. So grab your spray bottle and get ready to enjoy crystal-clear views with this easy-to-make solution. Say hello to squeaky-clean windows and goodbye to streaks for good!

Benefits of making your own window cleaner

Making your own window cleaner offers numerous benefits beyond being a safer and more eco-friendly option. Here are a few advantages to consider:

1. Cost-effective: Store-bought window cleaners can be expensive, especially when you have a lot of windows to clean. Creating your own window cleaner allows you to save money by using common household ingredients.

2. Customizable: Homemade window cleaner recipes can be easily customized to fit your preferences. You can experiment with different ratios of ingredients to find the perfect formula for your specific cleaning needs.

3. Versatile: DIY window cleaners are not limited to just windows. They can also be used to clean mirrors, glass surfaces, and even stainless steel appliances, making them a versatile cleaning solution.

4. Eco-friendly: By using natural ingredients, you are reducing your carbon footprint and minimizing the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. Homemade window cleaners are a greener choice compared to their store-bought counterparts.

Common household ingredients for homemade window cleaner

When it comes to making your own window cleaner, you don’t need a long list of complicated ingredients. In fact, you probably already have most of the necessary items in your pantry. Here are some common household ingredients that can be used to create an effective homemade window cleaner:

1. Vinegar: Vinegar is a staple in many homemade cleaning solutions. Its acidity helps cut through grease, grime, and dirt, leaving your windows spotless.

2. Water: Water is the main component of any window cleaner. It acts as a solvent, diluting the other ingredients and aiding in the cleaning process.

3. Rubbing Alcohol: Adding rubbing alcohol to your homemade window cleaner helps to speed up the drying process, reducing the chances of streaks.

4. Essential Oils: While not necessary, adding a few drops of essential oils to your window cleaner can leave a pleasant scent behind. Lemon, lavender, or peppermint oils are popular choices.

5. Dish Soap: Dish soap is an excellent degreaser and can be added to your window cleaner recipe to tackle stubborn stains or oily residue.

DIY homemade window cleaner recipe

Now that you know the benefits of making your own window cleaner and have an idea of the common household ingredients used, let’s dive into a simple and effective DIY homemade window cleaner recipe. You’ll be amazed at how well this recipe works in leaving your windows streak-free and sparkling clean.


– 1 cup of distilled water

– 1 cup of white vinegar

– 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol

– 1-2 drops of dish soap (optional)

– 5-10 drops of your preferred essential oil (optional)

 Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. In a clean spray bottle, combine the distilled water and white vinegar. These two ingredients will serve as the base of your window cleaner.

2. Add the rubbing alcohol to the mixture. Rubbing alcohol helps the solution evaporate quickly, reducing the chances of streaks.

3. Optional: If you prefer a scented window cleaner, add a few drops of your preferred essential oil. This will give your windows a pleasant aroma.

4. Optional: If dealing with stubborn stains or greasy residue, add 1-2 drops of dish soap to the mixture. Dish soap is an excellent degreaser and will help remove any tough dirt.

5. Close the spray bottle tightly and shake well to mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

6. Your DIY homemade window cleaner is now ready to use! Simply spray the solution onto your windows and wipe with a clean microfiber cloth or squeegee. Start from the top and work your way down to prevent streaks.

Tips for using homemade window cleaner effectively

To get the best results from your homemade window cleaner, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Choose the right cloth: Microfiber cloths are ideal for cleaning windows as they are lint-free and absorbent. Avoid using paper towels or newspapers, as they can leave behind lint or ink residue.

2. Avoid cleaning in direct sunlight: Direct sunlight can cause the window cleaner to dry too quickly, leading to streaks. Choose a cloudy or overcast day for optimal results.

3. Use a squeegee for large windows: If you have large windows or glass doors, using a squeegee can help you achieve a streak-free finish more efficiently.

4. Clean from top to bottom: Start cleaning from the top of the window and work your way down to prevent drips and streaks.

5. Don’t forget the window frames: While cleaning the glass is essential, don’t forget to wipe down the window frames and sills to remove any dust or dirt buildup.

Safety precautions when making and using homemade window cleaner

While homemade window cleaners are generally safe to use, it’s essential to take some precautions to ensure your well-being:

1. Label your spray bottle: Clearly label your spray bottle with the contents and date of preparation to avoid any confusion in the future.

2. Store out of reach of children and pets: Keep your homemade window cleaner in a secure location, out of reach of children and pets. Although the ingredients are generally safe, ingestion can still be harmful.

3. Ventilate the area: When using the window cleaner, ensure that the area is well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of fumes.

4. Avoid contact with eyes: If the window cleaner comes into contact with your eyes, flush them with water immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.

Alternatives to homemade window cleaner

While homemade window cleaners are effective and budget-friendly, there are a few alternative options you can consider:

1. Store-bought natural window cleaners: If you prefer the convenience of store-bought cleaners but still want to avoid harsh chemicals, there are natural and eco-friendly options available.

2. Steam cleaners: Steam cleaners use the power of steam to remove dirt and grime from windows and other surfaces. They are chemical-free and can be a great alternative for those who prefer not to use any cleaning solutions.

Storing and prolonging the shelf life of homemade window cleaner

To ensure your homemade window cleaner stays effective and safe to use, follow these storage tips:

1. Store in a cool, dark place: Exposure to sunlight can degrade the effectiveness of the ingredients. Store your window cleaner in a cool, dark place to maintain its potency.

2. Check for signs of spoilage: Over time, homemade window cleaners can spoil or lose their effectiveness. If you notice any changes in color, odor, or consistency, it’s best to discard the solution and make a fresh batch.

3. Refresh periodically: It’s a good practice to refresh your homemade window cleaner every few months, even if it hasn’t spoiled. This helps ensure that the ingredients remain effective and potent.

Happy cleaning

Creating a sparkling home with this DIY homemade window cleaner recipe is not only easy but also a safer and more eco-friendly choice. By using common household ingredients, you can enjoy streak-free and spotless windows without the worry of harmful chemicals. With the step-by-step instructions and tips provided, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any window cleaning task. So, say goodbye to costly store-bought cleaners and hello to a budget-friendly, homemade solution that will leave your windows gleaming. Get ready to enjoy crystal-clear views and a cleaner, greener home!