How to Clean a Blackstone Griddle

Summertime Chicken Wings on the Griddle | Andrew Shue

Maintaining your cooking equipment in top condition is essential for ensuring its longevity and optimum performance. The Blackstone griddle, like any other cooking appliance, requires regular cleaning to prevent food residue buildup and maintain its functionality. So, understanding how to clean a Blackstone griddle is crucial for anyone who owns one.

Start by heating up the griddle. This process will loosen the food remnants stuck on the surface, making it easier to scrub off. Once the griddle is warm, scrape off the excess food particles using a griddle scraper or any flat-edged tool. Be sure not to scrape too hard, as you don’t want to damage the surface of your griddle.

Once the excess food particles are removed, it’s time to scrub the surface. Use a griddle brick/pumice stone or a non-metallic abrasive pad to gently scrub the surface. It’s advisable to move in circles or back and forth along the griddle’s grain to avoid scratching it.

After scrubbing, prepare a mixture of warm water and dish soap. Using a cloth or sponge, apply this mixture in small sections across the griddle surface, ensuring that you rinse each area before moving to the next. The soap helps cut through any residual grease or oil left on the surface.

As an additional step on how to clean a Blackstone griddle, consider using a vinegar solution (a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water) after the soap and water wash. Apply this solution with a cloth or sponge, then let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing and rinsing it off. Vinegar serves as a natural disinfectant and degreaser, which can help further cleanse your griddle.

The final step in cleaning your Blackstone griddle involves drying and seasoning. After all the cleaning procedures are completed, ensure you dry the griddle thoroughly to prevent rusting. You can use a cloth or a heat-resistant towel for this purpose. Once completely dry, apply a thin layer of cooking oil to season the griddle. This not only helps to prevent rust but also prepares the griddle for its next use.

Knowing how to clean a Blackstone griddle properly can enhance its lifespan, improve its performance, and ensure your meals are cooked in a clean environment. By adhering to these simple steps, you can keep your griddle in perfect condition and ready for use at any time.