How to Clean Uggs

Pair of fashionable winter ugg boots | Just dance

Uggs, a popular brand of boots known for their soft sheepskin and warm interiors, require special care to maintain their comfort and aesthetic appeal. Over time, these boots can accumulate dirt and stains, which can lead to damage if not treated correctly. So, understanding how to clean Uggs is crucial in extending their lifespan and ensuring they remain in top-notch condition.

The first step in cleaning Uggs is to gently brush the surface with a suede brush to remove loose dirt and debris. This is done before wet cleaning, as water can cause dirt to penetrate deeper into the material, making it harder to remove. The brushing should be done in one direction to avoid damaging the nap of the suede.

When it comes to washing your Uggs, it’s essential to use a cleaner specifically designed for suede or sheepskin. Apply a small amount of cleaner directly to a damp sponge or cloth, then gently scrub the surface of the boot. Pay particular attention to areas that are heavily stained or soiled. Once you’ve thoroughly cleaned the boots, rinse them lightly with cold water, careful not to soak them as this can cause damage.

After cleaning your Uggs, it’s vital to let them air dry naturally, away from direct heat or sunlight which can cause shrinkage or fading. Stuffing the boots with paper towels can help maintain their shape while drying. Once your Uggs are completely dry, you can use a suede brush to restore the nap of the material and keep them looking their best.

Additionally, using a water and stain repellent specifically designed for suede or sheepskin can help protect your Uggs from future damage. This should be applied after each cleaning session and before the first wear of the season.

Knowing how to clean Uggs properly can ensure that these comfortable and stylish boots last for many seasons. It is a simple process that requires some patience and the right materials, but the result is worth the effort.